As of Monday evening, I am gainfully employed. A couple days behind schedule...but I think I'll be just fine. I'm working in Akasaka and will soon be living in Shin-Nakano, just a short train-ride away. If all goes as planned, Kaila, Michelle and I will be moving into a 3 bedroom apartment there on November 20th.
Last night was my second night in Akasaka. Same as was painfully slow, so I have yet to really experience it. But I like the woman I work for. She happens to be from Vancouver, so communication is not an issue, as it is in most other places. The other girls seem friendly enough, and I think I may actually enjoy working there. Thankfully, she wanted someone full-time, so I've got six solid weeks of work ahead of me. I'm eagerly looking forward to it....
So...I learned yet another painful lesson last night. Without boring everyone with the smallest details, I'll sum it up for you. To begin with...I've been sadly unable to access my money. No ATM's seem to like my card, as I've mentioned before. But to make matters worse, very few stores takes credit cards. So I've been dwindling on the little bit of money that Kaila is able to spare. Last night...I was on my last coin...literally. I had enough to get to work and back, and another 80Yen(80cents) to spare. Joanne, my new boss, told me of a grocery store near my work that takes cards, as well as a Citibank that she was relatively certain would accept my ATM card. So I left work a few minutes early in search of the two. I found the store, did some shopping...only when I tried to pay did I realize that I had taken my cards out of my purse the night before.
Humiliated...I rushed to the station to catch the last train(the subway stops running at midnight)...and was just happy to be headed home. Same as Monday...I got off, along with every other passenger, at a station that is about five stops ahead of mine. I was expecting to transfer as I had the night before, but quickly realized that I was in trouble. No more trains.
Thankfully, I have a cellphone and friends that are so incredibly helpful. A very generous Australian, Charlie, was nice enough to walk to the station and collect me. He and his roommate put me up for the evening, bought me a drink, and loaned me money to get home today. I would've been in quite the predicament, were it not for their hospitality. They didn't even know me...were friends of Michelle's, and were so welcoming, regardless. I'll have to do something nice for them...just as soon as I get paid!
So....what did I learn? Well....Don't leave home without my credit cards and....I have to be as punctual as the Japanese are. I missed the last train by 3 minutes...
This place is intense, to say the least. It's going to take some getting used to. What can I say...I'm learning.
Also...just in case you hadn't noticed, you can comment if you'd like. I'd love to know who's actually reading these things, if anybody at all! ;)